Kingsbridge in Bloom could not exist without the kind support from our sponsors.
As an independent volunteer group, funding has to be raised on an annual basis and comes from our monthly prize draw, businesses and individuals, Kingsbridge Town Council, stalls and community events and our own KIB merchandise sales. For larger projects we secure funding from various grant sources.
Last.... but not least!
The KIB team acknowledges the significant support given to us from numerous individuals, local volunteer groups and business community without whom we could not continue with our work to keep the town attractive and vibrant throughout the year.
Whether it is work in kind, supply of goods and services or financial support, we thank you all.
Graham Price - Chairman, KIB
The KIB team acknowledges the significant support given to us from numerous individuals, local volunteer groups and business community without whom we could not continue with our work to keep the town attractive and vibrant throughout the year.
Whether it is work in kind, supply of goods and services or financial support, we thank you all.
Graham Price - Chairman, KIB